Hi list,

I developed a little log viewer app in QT 4.6.2, PyQT 4.7.2 (sip 4.10.1) on 
linux. In it, I often used signals/slots like the following:

QObject.connect(self.model, SIGNAL("dataLoaded(list)"), self.dataLoaded)


def dataLoaded(self, foo):
    print len(foo) # foo is a list

Now, I tried to run this app (unchanged) on a machine with QT 4.7 
(qtsdk-2010.04), with PyQT 4.7.4 (sip 4.10.5) and also with PyQT 4.7.5 (sip 
4.11), and I get this error:

exceptions.TypeError: type 'list' is not supported as a slot argument type

(in 4.7.5, it reads: "exceptions.TypeError: C++ type 'list' is not supported 
as a slot argument type")

did the API change? Is this intended? How could I pass python lists now from 
python code to python code through a signal/slot? The new behaviour also 
makes onSelectionChanged events from a QListView not work anymore...

Thanks for any advice,


<>                                                              <>
<> Tim dos Santos, M.Sc.     dos.san...@physik.uni-wuppertal.de <>
<> Bergische Universitaet    muenc...@physik.uni-wuppertal.de   <>
<> FB C - Physik                                                <>
<> Gaussstr. 20              Tel.: +49 (0)202 439-3521          <>
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