On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 23:20:01 +0000, Devon Rueckner
<devon.rueck...@temboo.com> wrote:
>> This works under (Qt 4.6.3, SIP 4.10.2, PyQt 4.7.3):
>>     QObject.connect(self._manager, SIGNAL("sslErrors(QNetworkReply *,
>> const QList<QSslError>&)"), self._handleSslError)
>> However under (Qt 4.6.3, SIP 4.10.5, PyQt 4.7.4) I get:
>>     TypeError: type 'QList<QSslError>' is not supported as a slot
>> argument type
> Update - I also get this error with (Qt 4.6.3, SIP 4.11.1, PyQt 4.7.7).

Are you sure? I can't reproduce it - but there was a similar problem in
earlier versions.

An alternative if to use the new (much less verbose) API...


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