On Monday 08 November 2010 14:11:07 John Posner wrote:
> On 10/30/2010 7:47 AM, Phil Thompson wrote:
> > PyQt v4.8.1 has been released and is available from the usual place.
> Over the past year, downloads from
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download have been
> impossible for me. More precisely, the download speed starts at about
> 0.6KB/sec, and degrades from there. After a minute or so, I put the
> download out of its misery. Does anyone else experience this behavior?

We also encountered this some weeks ago when downloading the windows binaries. 
Didn't matter which machine (in our university network), slooooooow download.
I only succeeded because I did let it load these 12 or something MB for 
several hours...

Have fun,


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