On Saturday 06 August 2011, 23:28:05 Vipul Raheja wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply Phil.
> I had earlier installed SIP and PyQt4 through apt-get in Ubuntu, but
> was still getting the same problem since there was no QtGuimod.sip
> file present on my system.

Probably, your local sip/PyQt maintainer provides some matching -devel 
packages somewhere, since without these files, you cannot build any 
descendant packages ({python-}qscintilla, PyKDE, PyQwt, ..).

> I removed them and tried installing SIP 
> and PyQt4 again from their sources. I am getting the following error
> now while building PyQt4 and cannot find any answers over the web :
> http://pastebin.com/apSq180u

Don't provide build logs via paste bin services, please. When they 
vanish, followers by search engines will fail.

This looks like the usual installed by packetmanager/from source 
dichotomy (for package sip in your case).

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