I solved it, I was missing linking the ossimPlanetQt library in
makefile.extra_libs in config.py file.
Thanks for your replies.

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 4:59 PM, Hans-Peter Jansen <h...@urpla.net> wrote:

> On Sunday 07 August 2011, 15:29:59 Vipul Raheja wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Thanks for your replies, Pete and Phil, I was able to fix the issues
> > and build PyQt on my system by doing a few rebuilds with changes in
> > them. I had earlier installed sip and PyQt using apt-get, but later I
> > did the same by directly building the sources, and it worked.
> >
> > However, now I am facing a different issue. I was able to create a
> > .so file by executing configure.oy with python and doing a make and
> > make install, however, when I do an import of the library in python
> > console, it gives me this error: http://paste.debian.net/125358/ (I
> > hope paste.debian is fine, if not, kindly suggest an alternate way)
> Hard to say, what's going on. I guess, it cannot locate the ossim.so
> lib, at least not the version, that you linked to.
> Maybe, it's just missing a call to ldconfig.
> Try to check the python site libs with ldd, and compare with the build
> logs.
> If that stuff is publically available somewhere, please provide a
> detailed description on what you did, which versions, etc., and I might
> try to reproduce your issue in a couple of days..
> Pete

*Vipul Raheja*
Senior Undergraduate
Computer Science and Engineering (Dual)
Lab for Spatial Informatics
IIIT Hyderabad
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