On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 09:23:07 +0100, Detlev Offenbach
<det...@die-offenbachs.de> wrote:
> Hello Phil,
> I am aware, that there is no definitive plan for PyQt5 yet. However, I 
> would like to ask two questions. The answer to these could influence 
> the current plans and work for eric5.
> Will PyQt5 be usable with Python2 and 3 or Python3 only?

I haven't decided yet. I may develop and test with Python3 only but treat
reported problems with Python2 as bugs.

> For how long will PyQt4 and PyQt5 be maintained in parallel?

I have no plans to drop PyQt4 and I'm being very careful to make sure that
maintaining it will not be a significant effort.

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