On Tue, 26 Mar 2013 10:59:44 +0100, Detlev Offenbach
<det...@die-offenbachs.de> wrote:
> Hello Phil,
> thanks for the answers. Work is in progress to make eric5 and all it's
> plug-ins compatible with 
> Python2. Once that is accomplished, support for eric4 would be dropped
> starting with the next 
> stable eric5 release (whenever that will be after Py2 compatibility is
> reached). One future 
> step in eric development could be to port it to PyQt5. Hence my interest
> in your plans. 
> Meanwhile I got a few more questions.
> 1) Will PyQt5 and PyQt4 be API compaitble (i.e. exchangable) as long as
> only stuff that is 
> covered by PyQt4 is used?

Not necessarily. If there is a better (but incompatible) way of doing
something I'll change it for PyQt5.

> 2) Will PyQt4 support Qt5 after the release of PyQt5 or will that be
> dropped?

It will continue to support Qt5 - but won't support any new features of

> 3) What could be the benefit switch eric5 over to PyQt5?

Only if there are new features introduced in Qt5 that you want to use.

I think PyQt4 on Qt5 will be much more important than PyQt5 for some time.

> Btw, did you realize, that it is now a bit over ten years you handed
> the 'broken' eric 
> debugger to me and pulled me into the business? It was on 24.11.2002,
> the first alpha 
> release of eric3, the first eric IDE, was announced.

Congratulations! These things can get a bit out of hand can't they...

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