On Tue, 2 Apr 2013 13:24:44 +0300, Tomas Neverdauskas <topa...@gmail.com>
> Hello,
> i've installed from source control newest version of metasip in ubuntu
> "setup.py install"
> Software list: python 3.2, pyqt4 with sip (from default ubuntu repo),
> dip-0.4.4, gcc-xml0.9
> I like to generate python bindings for this project:
> https://github.com/wang-bin/QtAV/
> But after running first time i got this:
> *tomas@bitikzyzz ~/Desktop/metasip-a8e5528cdfac $ msip -g
> ~/Desktop/QtAV-master/src/QtAV/ QtAV*
> *msip: unknown or ambiguous location*
> What does mean this error and how to deal with it?
> Thank you for any kind of information,

Not the world's most helpful message I admit. It's basically saying that a
file or directory doesn't exist. Make sure they do, and maybe remove the
trailing /.

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