On Tue, 2 Apr 2013 16:42:48 +0300, Tomas Neverdauskas <topa...@gmail.com>
> After trying different options, i ended up with this (all options the
> as included in previous screenshot)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> line 515, in __on_scan_triggered
>     hfile = self._scan_header_file(hpath)
>   File
> line 652, in _scan_header_file
>     key=lambda v: self.current_project.versions.index(
>   File
> line 653, in <lambda>
>     v.version))
> ValueError: '' is not in list
> This errors is shown by python console, after i click button "scan"

In its current state metasip is still a personal productivity tool for me.
That's why it is not mentioned on the website. People are free to use it,
but it is completely unsupported.

Or, in other words, patches welcome.

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