I tried to send this out a few weeks ago and it disappeared.  Here's trying


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Susan Fox <f...@macalester.edu>
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 11:03 AM
Subject: Pyrobot, Player/Stage, and Ubuntu 8.0...
To: pyro-users@pyrorobotics.org

Hi, there,

I have installed Player/Stage 2.0.3 on my Ubuntu system, running Hardy
Heron, and I've gotten it to work (I can open up the simulator and connect
to it with playerv, at least).  I have also installed three different
versions of pyrobot, including the latest, and I have seen the same behavior
each time (I may need to use Pyrobot 4.6 in order to communicate with the
even older Pyrobot on my ancient Pioneer robots).  I can start up the Stage
simulator, but when I try to connect using Player.py or Player6665.py I get
a playerc error.  It does not complete the connection to the simulator, and
I cannot do anything from that point on.  I'm including a transcript that
illustrates what happens.  I'm using a fairly simple simulated world, just
one Pioneer robot in it.  The Pyrobot simulator works just fine, so far as I
can tell.

Someone posted about this earlier, and it was suggested that the robot is
trying to connect to the port the simulator is using.  But I don't know how
to avoid that problem...  The problem occurs with the world files provided
with Pyrobot, and with those that came with Stage, and with those I created
on my own.

Could this be a Player issue?  I ran the tests that the Player installation
called for...

I appreciate any help you can provide...



Here is the transcript:
macales...@zorro:~/Desktop/Aug2007Vers/simulator$ pyrobot -s StageSimulator
-c olin.cfg
Using PYROBOT on posix with CPU 0 in

* Part of the Player/Stage/Gazebo Project [
* Copyright (C) 2000 - 2006 Brian Gerkey, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard,
* Nate Koenig, and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public
* Player comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you
* are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see COPYING
* for details.

PLAYERPATH: :/usr/lib

trying to load /libstageplugin...
trying to load /usr/lib/libstageplugin...
trying to load
trying to load /usr/local/lib/libstageplugin...
invoking player_driver_init()...
 Stage driver plugin init

 ** Stage plugin v2.0.3 **
 * Part of the Player/Stage Project [http://playerstage.sourceforge.net]
 * Copyright 2000-2006 Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Brian Gerkey
 * and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public License v2.
  Stage driver creating 1 device
   6665.31.0 is a Stage world [Loading ./olin.world][Include
pioneer.inc][Include map.inc]
Loading. warn: worldfile ./olin.world:36 : property [gui_boundary] is
defined but not used (worldfile.cc WarnUnused)
warn: worldfile ./olin.world:52 : property [polygon[0].filled] is defined
but not used (worldfile.cc WarnUnused)
warn: worldfile ./olin.world:84 : property [port] is defined but not used
(worldfile.cc WarnUnused)

  Stage driver creating 2 devices
   6665.4.0 is "Pioneer"
   6665.5.0 is "Pioneer.ranger:0"
Listening on ports: 6665
 .calling connect
accepted client 0 on port 6665, fd 11
playerc error   : poll call failed with error [11:Resource temporarily
playerc error   : recv failed with error [Resource temporarily unavailable]
warning : failed to reconnect
playerc warning   : warning : no socket to write to
playerc error   : failed to get response
playerc warning   : warning : no socket to write to
playerc error   : failed to get response

Susan Fox                             Math/CS Department
651-696-6553                        Macalester College
http://www.macalester.edu/~fox <http://www.macalester.edu/%7Efox>

Susan Fox                             Math/CS Department
651-696-6553                        Macalester College
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