PySide 1.0.3 - "comigo": Python for Qt released!

The PySide team is proud to announce another minor release of PySide project.

Major changes

* PySide official supported on MeeGo 1.2 DE (continuous update);
* Several bug fixes (list below);
* New Class 'ClassInfo': used to replace Q_CLASSINFO macro;
* Now the number of signals and slots are limitless;
* Support for Qt 4.5 is back;
* Bugzilla theme fix (Lovely bug is back);

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [1], an open
Bugzilla [2] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [3]. We welcome
any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.

List of bugs fixed

798     Doc generator could show "since" attribute.
844     Crash in QGraphicsItem::toGraphicsObject when printing obj reference
857     64bit Windows build broken
840     Shiboken prints "Can't find type resolver for 9QMacStyle"
826     Segmentation fault when geting custom event type
829     Segfault in Shiboken::Converter<QVariant>::toCpp(_object*) when
converting dict with non-string keys to QVariant
834     Segfault on childEvent
835     pyside breaks descriptor protocol
839     QTest::touchEvent causes Python crash.
841     QStandardItem::clone and QStandardItemModel::setItemPrototype
854     implementing __getitem__ in QAbstractItemModel leads to endless loop.
786     There's no __eq__ for all classes inherited from
ObjectDescription<T> due to an Apiextractor bug.
797     error on ui file load
813     Can not override connect method when subclassing QObject
825     Can't register a class using that uses metaclasses in QML using
849     Support for Qt4.5
634     It is not possible mock any Qt functions with PySide. Always
raises TypeError...
716     QPersistentModelIndex isn't convertible to QModelIndex
847     Slots on QDeclarativeView subclass can't be called from QML/JavaScript
381     apiextractor segfaults when building on MeeGo (Gcc-4.5.0-3.8)
606     add function to convert QPoint/QPointF/QSize/... to (and from) tuple
615     QTransform.quadToQuad should have a 2-argument version
654     __repr__ of enums should be more Pythonic
722     float vs. qreal conflict in new-style-signals
785     QItemSelection operators inherited from QList<QItemSelectionRange> 
809     QtCore.QSysInfo "empty"
820     Slots cannot receive signal when another decorator is present
828     Multiple QDirModel/QFileSystemModel bugs
417     Support nested naming of flags
686     Request to make Q[Mutex|Read|Write]Locker context managers
803     QWebElementCollection.operator[] is not implemented
807     Bugzilla theme doesn't link back to website
851     Shiboken recognizes dereference operator overload as times
operator overload.
312     Limit of 50 on dynamic slots
505     CppObject was destroyed before __del__ be called
629     Certain types of QObject properties cannot be accessed from QML
without being wrapped in a QVariant
680     QDateTimeEdit.setDate() doesn't accept Python datetime instances
705     PySide should provide an equivalent to Q_CLASSINFO macro.
725     Is not possible to set custom curve function in QEasingCurve
808     Bugzilla theme is different from the original web site
810     QtOpenGL Ubuntu package for ARM
830     QAbstractItemModel is not linked from QTreeView page
806     Lovely bug is missing


All tarball files are available on PySide Download page[4].



PySide Team

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