the link to the new version should be updated, too. it is still 1.0.2 now.


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:35 PM, Renato Araujo Oliveira Filho
<> wrote:
> PySide 1.0.3 - "comigo": Python for Qt released!
> =======================================================
> The PySide team is proud to announce another minor release of PySide project.
> Major changes
> ==============
> * PySide official supported on MeeGo 1.2 DE (continuous update);
> * Several bug fixes (list below);
> * New Class 'ClassInfo': used to replace Q_CLASSINFO macro;
> * Now the number of signals and slots are limitless;
> * Support for Qt 4.5 is back;
> * Bugzilla theme fix (Lovely bug is back);
> About PySide
> ============
> PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing access to
> not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility, as well as to
> generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any C++ libraries.
> The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd expect
> from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository [1], an open
> Bugzilla [2] for reporting bugs, and an open design process [3]. We welcome
> any contribution without requiring a transfer of copyright.
> List of bugs fixed
> ==================
> 798     Doc generator could show "since" attribute.
> 844     Crash in QGraphicsItem::toGraphicsObject when printing obj reference
> 857     64bit Windows build broken
> 840     Shiboken prints "Can't find type resolver for 9QMacStyle"
> 826     Segmentation fault when geting custom event type
> 829     Segfault in Shiboken::Converter<QVariant>::toCpp(_object*) when
> converting dict with non-string keys to QVariant
> 834     Segfault on childEvent
> 835     pyside breaks descriptor protocol
> 839     QTest::touchEvent causes Python crash.
> 841     QStandardItem::clone and QStandardItemModel::setItemPrototype
> 854     implementing __getitem__ in QAbstractItemModel leads to endless loop.
> 786     There's no __eq__ for all classes inherited from
> ObjectDescription<T> due to an Apiextractor bug.
> 797     error on ui file load
> 813     Can not override connect method when subclassing QObject
> 825     Can't register a class using that uses metaclasses in QML using
> qmlRegisterType
> 849     Support for Qt4.5
> 634     It is not possible mock any Qt functions with PySide. Always
> raises TypeError...
> 716     QPersistentModelIndex isn't convertible to QModelIndex
> 847     Slots on QDeclarativeView subclass can't be called from QML/JavaScript
> 381     apiextractor segfaults when building on MeeGo (Gcc-4.5.0-3.8)
> 606     add function to convert QPoint/QPointF/QSize/... to (and from) tuple
> 615     QTransform.quadToQuad should have a 2-argument version
> 654     __repr__ of enums should be more Pythonic
> 722     float vs. qreal conflict in new-style-signals
> 785     QItemSelection operators inherited from QList<QItemSelectionRange> 
> missing
> 809     QtCore.QSysInfo "empty"
> 820     Slots cannot receive signal when another decorator is present
> 828     Multiple QDirModel/QFileSystemModel bugs
> 417     Support nested naming of flags
> 686     Request to make Q[Mutex|Read|Write]Locker context managers
> 803     QWebElementCollection.operator[] is not implemented
> 807     Bugzilla theme doesn't link back to website
> 851     Shiboken recognizes dereference operator overload as times
> operator overload.
> 312     Limit of 50 on dynamic slots
> 505     CppObject was destroyed before __del__ be called
> 629     Certain types of QObject properties cannot be accessed from QML
> without being wrapped in a QVariant
> 680     QDateTimeEdit.setDate() doesn't accept Python datetime instances
> 705     PySide should provide an equivalent to Q_CLASSINFO macro.
> 725     Is not possible to set custom curve function in QEasingCurve
> 808     Bugzilla theme is different from the original web site
> 810     QtOpenGL Ubuntu package for ARM
> 830     QAbstractItemModel is not linked from QTreeView page
> 806     Lovely bug is missing
> Download
> ========
> All tarball files are available on PySide Download page[4].
> References
> ==========
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> PySide Team
> _______________________________________________
> PySide mailing list

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