Sébastien Sablé <sa...@users.sourceforge.net> added the comment:

Hi Charles-François,

it is possible to impact the memory allocation system on AIX using some 
environment variables (MALLOCOPTIONS and others), but it is not very elegant 
(it will impact all applications running with this environment and it is 
difficult to ensure that those environment variables will be correctly set when 
distributing an application to a customer) and I am afraid most users will 
never hear about that and will just use the default behavior.

Concerning mmap performances, dlmalloc has a pool mechanism and Python has its 
own pool mechanism on top of that.
As a result, system calls to allocate memory do not happen frequently since the 
memory allocation is usually handled internally in those pools and dlmalloc is 
often faster than the native malloc.

I have been distributing a version of Python which integrates this patch with 
the application on which I work to various customers for the last few years and 
the benchmarks have not shown any significant performance degradation. On the 
other hand, the decrease in memory consumption has been clearly noticed and 

Also note that dlmalloc (or a derivative - ptmalloc) is part of GNU glibc which 
is used by most Linux systems, and is what you get when you call malloc.

So by using dlmalloc on SunOS and AIX you would get the same level of 
performance for memory operations that you already probably can appreciate on 
Linux systems.


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