Jason Huntley added the comment:

Finally! I was able to get all building on mingw64, gcc 4.7.2, and python 3.3. 
I had to take everybody's work here a little further, and I have produced a new 
patch which will build python33 using the latest minw64 compiler in an msys 

I cloned the 3.3 branch and applied the latest patch available here, 
py3k-20121004-MINGW.patch. I had to make quite a few more updates to get all 
the modules compiling with 4.7.2 and python find all the modules in the correct 
paths in an msys/mingw64 environment. I've compiled another patch, which 
addresses all the latest issues.

For all interested, run my setup script from the following location:


Just open dos in admin mode and run setup.bat.

This will build all the required dependencies and finally python 3.3.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file28471/py3k-20121227-MINGW.patch

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