Brandon Craig Rhodes added the comment:

Kristján, you are certainly correct that a single-argument that can be either a 
filename or a cert is inappropriate; we should not be peeking inside of strings 
to guess what they contain.

And I think you also have a good point about Pythonic-ness when it comes to 
polymorphism; routines that are sensitive to object type have been going more 
and more out of style for the past twenty years, and for good reason.

But, having ceded those points, I still think string-or-file-like-object is the 
correct approach here, simply because it is the overwhelming approach of the 
Standard Library; everyone is used to it, and will already "know the ropes" of 
that approach; and it prevents noisying up the interface with redundant 
arguments. Were we doing this over again, we would simply not allow a filename 
at all, and let the user open the file if they needed to. But since a filename 
is allowed, it feels like the Official Standard Library Approach to also allow 
a file-like object.

Some examples:

zipfile.ZipFile: "Open a ZIP file, where file can be either a path to a file (a 
string) or a file-like object."

binhex.hexbin: "Decode a binhex file input. input may be a filename or a 
file-like object supporting read() and close() methods."

xml.dom.minidom.parse: "filename_or_file may be either a file name, or a 
file-like object."

mailbox.Mailbox.add: "Parameter message may be a Message instance, an 
email.message.Message instance, a string, or a file-like object (which should 
be open in text mode)."

pickletools.dis: "pickle can be a string or a file-like object."

I suggest that these precedents, along with others that I believe we could find 
with a more exhaustive search of the Standard Library, are sufficient to 
suggest that in this case the least-surprise approach is a single argument 
that's either a filename or file-like object. I would suggest reviewing quickly 
the code for the above examples and following their example for how to 
distinguish most cleanly between a filename and file-like object; I wonder if 
they call any common code to get the contents out, or each do it completely by 
themselves? :)

Thanks again for wanting to add this to the SSL module, it will be a *great* 
addition that solves an important use case!


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