New submission from Armin Ronacher:

I just noticed through looking through someone else's WSGI framework that 
wsgiref is incorrectly handling URL handling.  It does not go through the WSGI 
coding dance in the wsgiref.utils.request_uri function.

Testcase through werkzeug:

>>> from wsgiref.util import request_uri
>>> from werkzeug.test import create_environ
>>> from werkzeug.urls import url_parse, url_unquote
>>> env = create_environ('/\N{SNOWMAN}')
>>> url_parse(request_uri(env)).path
>>> url_unquote(url_parse(request_uri(env)).path)
>>> _ == '/\N{SNOWMAN}'

If this passes tests then I'm assuming that wsgiref is doing the inverse bug 
somewhere else.  I will look into it later, but this behavior is definitely 

messages: 207418
nosy: aronacher
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: wsgiref on Python 3.x incorrectly implements URL handling causing 
mangled Unicode

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