Miguel added the comment:

Hi Serhiy,
I totally disagree of this change on your patch:

+    def tk_busy_status(self):
+        '''Returns the busy status of this window.
+        If the window presently can not receive user interactions,
+        True is returned, otherwise False.'''
+        return((self.tk.getboolean(self.tk.call(
+                'tk', 'busy', 'status', self._w)) and True) or False)

tk_busy_status should return the returned value of self.tk.getboolean directly 
like other methods in Tkinter using self.tk.getboolean.

There is no test that shows that self.tk.getboolean is buggy.

This is the right implementation:
def tk_busy_status(self):
     '''Returns the busy status of this window.
        If the window presently can not receive user interactions,
        True is returned, otherwise False.'''
    return self.tk.getboolean(self.tk.call('tk', 'busy', 'status', self._w))


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