Nick Coghlan added the comment:

I agree with Raymond here - the standard library's startup benchmarks are *NOT* 
normal code execution paths, since normal code execution is dominated by the 
actual operation being performed, and hence startup micro-optimizations vanish 
into the noise.

Accordingly, we should *not* be redesigning existing standard interfaces simply 
for the sake of allowing them to be used during startup without significantly 
slowing down the interpreter startup benchmark.

By contrast, it *is* entirely OK to introduce specialised types specifically 
for internal use (including during startup), and only making them available at 
the Python level through the types module (e.g. types.MappingProxyType, 

At the moment, the internal PyStructSequence type used to define sys.flags, 
sys.version_info, etc *isn't* exposed that way, so efforts to allow the use of 
namedtuple-style interfaces in modules that don't want to use namedtuple itself 
would likely be better directed towards making that established type available 
and usable through the types module, rather than towards altering namedtuple.

That approach would have the potential to solve both the interpreter startup 
optimisation problem (as the "types" module mainly just exposes thing defined 
by the interpreter implementation, not new Python level classes), *and* provide 
an alternate option for folks that have pre-emptively decided that namedtuple 
is going to be "too slow" for their purposes without actually measuring the 
relative performance in the context of their application.


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