Gareth Rees <> added the comment:

Just to elaborate on what I mean by "bug magnet". (I'm sure Pablo understands 
this, but there may be other readers who would like to see it spelled out.)

Suppose that you have a directed graph represented as a mapping from a vertex 
to an iterable of its out-neighbours. Then the "obvious" way to get a total 
order on the vertices in the graph would be to generate the edges and pass them 
to topsort:

    def edges(graph):
        return ((v, w) for v, ww in graph.items() for w in ww)
    order = topsort(edges(graph))

This will appear to work fine if it is never tested with a graph that has 
isolated vertices (which would be an all too easy omission).

To handle isolated vertices you have to remember to write something like this:

    reversed_graph = {v: [] for v in graph}
    for v, ww in graph.items():
        for w in ww:
    order = topsort(edges(graph)) + [
          v for v, ww in graph.items() if not ww and not reversed_graph[v]]

I think it likely that beginner programmers will forget to do this and be 
surprised later on when their total order is missing some of the vertices.


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