Mark Dickinson <> added the comment:

As Christian says, it's about not increasing code complexity without a 
good reason.  For me, it's also about mental complexity:  the set of valid 
inputs to the complex constructor should be small, and should be easy to 
understand and to describe.

The addition of the '*1j' part of the expression bothers me particularly,
as does allowing complex('j') to be valid.

I have a compromise proposal:

1. For nans and infs, get rid of the * on output:  change repr so that 
e.g., repr(complex(0, nan)) is simply 'nanj', and repr(complex(inf,-inf)) 
is '(inf-infj)'.  (Yes, I know it looks ugly, but bear with me.)

2. On input, allow strings of the form "complex-string" or "(complex-
string)" where (in pseudo BNF):

sign ::= '+' | '-'
real-part ::= float-string
imag-part ::= float-string 'j'
complex-string ::= real-part [sign imag-part] | imag-part

and float-string is any string currently accepted by float
(excluding leading or trailing whitespace).  Nothing else would be 
permitted.  (Well, okay, we still have to allow whitespace around the 
complex string, both inside and outside the parentheses.)

I think this would simplify the parsing, and remove need for special 
casing of nans and infs.  It might even allow the code to become simpler, 
by sharing some of it with stuff in floatobject.c.

The above would allow double signs:  e.g. '2+-1j', with the first sign 
being the one explicitly described above and the second being part of the 
float-string.  I don't think this is a terrible thing, if it simplifies 
parsing.  It might even be helpful.  For example: "%r+%rj" % (z.real, 
z.imag) would always be valid input.

The current 'nan*j' is certainly more attractive than 'nanj', but it's 
just too suggestive of the actual expression float('nan')*1j, which it 
turns out doesn't produce the same thing.

If you could come up with a patch that does something like this I'd take a 

By the way, "0 + inf*1j" giving nan + inf*j isn't really a bug;  it's 
pretty much unavoidable:  1j is really complex(0, 1), and when multiplying 
by inf we get complex(inf*0, inf*1).  With the usual IEEE 754 semantics 
inf*0 is nan.

I think it's exactly to fix this sort of behaviour that C99 introduced its 
imaginary type (see Annex G of the standard).  It doesn't seem to have 
caught on, though:  I don't think gcc implements this, and I'd be very 
surprised if Visual Studio does.

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