Terry J. Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu> added the comment:

By 'preview', I meant the listing of existing file in the directory, such as 
Documents.  IDLE displays this but, as I inferred and you and Bev confirmed, 
this is not standard on macOS, as there is a button (which I did not noticed 
before) to show or hide the file list and other stuff. (There is no such button 
on Windows.) So *if* it is the problem culprit for some people, we could, I 
presume, leave the pane initially hidden.

Is the filelist pane a 'sheet'?  Could the recent 'sheets' fix (Christian's 
comment) for these dialogs on Catalina be involved?  What is your latest take 
on 8.6.10 for OSX?


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