Dennis Sweeney <> added the comment:

This is essentially the same issue, but with sorted():

The trouble is that the implementation of min() is roughly equivalent to:

iterable = iter(iterable)
current_min = next(iterable)
for x in iterable:
    if x < current_min:
        current_min = x
return current_min

NaN < number and number < NaN both return false. Thus including NaNs make 
floats not totally ordered, so there's no perfect way to  sort them or take a 
max/min. This leads to some unexpected result, as you've identified. So you 
could say that the real "bug" is in floats more broadly.

This behavior was originally implemented to comply with IEEE 754. Even if that 
was a mistake, it would be very difficult to change this behavior in case 
someone's code relies on exactly using this implantation. I also don't like the 
idea of special-casing the behavior of min/max for floats, since right now the 
behavior is completely agnostic of the types of the items.

nosy: +Dennis Sweeney

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