On 2009-02-26 14:25, Barry Warsaw wrote:
>> [providing DVCS facilities instead of switching over the main system]
> Alternatively, we continue to provide the svn masters and let other
> hosting facilities mirror the native branches (con: there will be a
> delay) or let people use their <dvcs>-svn bridges, e.g. bzr-svn.

I think that's a much better approach and one that reduces the
load on the python.org repo sys-admins.

It would also permit fans of all discussed DVCS systems to use
their favorite tool, provided there are volunteers to do the

On 2009-02-26 14:27, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Feb 26, 2009, at 6:03 AM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Looking at the PEP 374, the DVCSes don't appear to make life easier for
>> common repo tasks (they each require more or less the same number of
>> commands), so the argument for using a DVCS is more about giving non-core
>> developers access to a version control system they can use to track their
>> patches. However, this appears to be already solved using the bzr mirror.
> For core devs, I do think things like revision blocking and cherry
> picking would be easier with the branches in a native DVCS.

AFAIK, svnmerge provides these two functions for Subversion.

Another aspect to consider is that Subversion uses copy-on-write,
so that creating a branch with only a few changes doesn't take
up much space in the repo.

It would certainly be possible to setup a repo structure having
many core-dev private branches, e.g.


BTW: You can avoid the extra checkout of the branch in Subversion
by first locally copying the trunk checkout to a new dir (using e.g.
cp -al) and then running a "svn switch" on it. To clean out any
local modification, you can then additionally run "svn revert -R ."

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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