On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 13:26, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:
> Le dimanche 13 septembre 2009 à 13:15 -0700, Brett Cannon a écrit :
>> Or simply take the first line of each commit? I mean why do we enter
>> it twice? If we have a commit that is unimportant we could come up
>> with some convention to make it as such or simply have the comment
>> start with a blank line.
> The NEWS file is often more carefully, or differently, worded than
> commit messages are.

Right, which is why only the first line would be used. All the other
usual detail can be there, just do it on another line.

> Trying to generate it automatically would probably involve some a
> posteriori maintenance, and I doubt it's really worth it (at worse, you
> save a copy / paste in the cases where the commit message is perfectly
> adequate as a NEWS entry).

I suspect we would have to start either at some golden revision or not
until a release happens.

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