> > - I will initialize svnmerge from py3k -> 2.7maint.
> We should probably all get into the habit of making sure that we leave
> any issues open with Python 2.7 flagged as an effected version to get
> fixes ported. These then could become "easy" issues for people to
> contribute through by letting others create a backport patch. Else we
> could think about introducing a "2.x backport" (or simply "backport")
> keyword to flag such open issues.

What do you mean by that? Why wouldn't we just do the backports
(I don't understand what "effected" means here)

For the record, the "2.6 backport" keyword on the tracker ended up
mostly unused. Good practice is to backport just after you commit on
trunk/py3k, not months later.

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