On 12/26/2012 06:17 PM, Eli Bendersky wrote:

>     > At the risk of stating something that I imagine everyone already
>     >         knows, this list is itself publicly viewable:
>     >
>     >         http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-committers
>     >
>     >         So in some sense what we write here is already being said
>     >         beyond this
>     >         list (though not actively).  For example, the thread we're
>     >         engaging in
>     >         right now is the second result when Googling "python anatoly".
>     >
>     >         I guess my point is that what's going on is already pretty
>     >         open to the
>     >         outside (from a read-only perspective).
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > Ouch, this is important to keep in mind. Thanks for the reminder,
>     > Chris.
>     >
>     > This may be a different discussion altogether, but I'm pretty sure
>     > that sometimes people write to this list assuming it's private to
>     > committers only. Should it be?
>     I personally think it is very sane for this list to be public.

Definitely.  There have been enough complaints about secrecy surrounding the
PSF, no need to start with CPython development.

> I agree there're very strong reasons to keep it public. I just wanted to
> emphasize Chris's note because I'm pretty sure that some devs assume it's not
> public when writing on controversial topics (like the recent conversation).

Another benefit of using lists through gmane: if it's on there, it must be
public :)


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