On Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:35:46 -0800, Eli Bendersky <eli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 7:13 AM, R. David Murray <rdmur...@bitdance.com>wrote:
> > On Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:59:19 -0800, Eli Bendersky <eli...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > workplace we had a similar process screwed on top of Jenkins - private
> > test
> > > runs wherein you provide a branch to CI and the CI tests that branch. In
> > > fact, when your test may affect many different architectures, such "try
> > > jobs" are the only way to do unless you really want to build & test a
> > > branch on a few different OSes.
> > >
> > > Once again, this almost always requires some dedicated developers for
> > > watching the tree (Chromium has sheriffs, gardeners, etc.), I'm not sure
> > we
> > > have that for the CPython source.
> >
> > What do sheriffs and gardeners do?
> >
> I started replying but then remembered that it's actually all described
> here - http://www.chromium.org/developers/tree-sheriffs
> If you're interested in such things (build farms, CI, "process") that page
> and links from it should provide you with a lot interesting information

I didn't read past the first part of that, where it said "closes,
throttles and opens the tree" and "tracks down people responsible
for breakage".  This is emphatically *not* the Zuul model, from
what Nick has said.  In Zull, patches don't get *in* to the tree
unless the buildbots are all green with the patch applied (so, no
unit-test-discovered "breakage" can occur in the tree).

Donald answered my question about flaky tests: if a flaky test causes
the failure, whoever is trying to get it integrated can trigger a new
run (referencing the bug that documents the flaky test), and if that
run passes, the patch gets committed.

This makes much more sense to me than the 'sheriff' approach, which is
essentially what we have now, albeit with no formally appointed sheriffs,
and no tree closures.

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