On Tue, 24 May 2016 00:22:07 -0400, Ned Deily <n...@python.org> wrote:
> In article <20160523174004.cb04eb14...@webabinitio.net>,
>  "R. David Murray" <rdmur...@bitdance.com> wrote:
> > +1 from me as well.  I'd just put him on my shortlist of people to
> > consider.  I haven't gone over his patch history, but the two or three
> > I've looked at before were high quality and cognizant of our culture.
> > I think the Android support pretty much cinches the deal :)
> David,
> I believe we had a discussion a while back about a few other potential 
> new core developers.  But, other than subsequently adding Davin, I don't 
> know of anything that has happened with regard to the earlier 
> discussions.  Is it time to discuss your shortlist?

Sure.  I might even be able to mentor someone.

My current shortlist is eryksun and paul.j3.  I've finally got time to
monitor the bugs a bit more now, so I hope I'll notice some others in
a while.

Assuming Paul is interested, I could be his mentor, if others agree his
patches are good enough.  I'd like other people to actually look...it's
been a while since I've reviewed any of his patches, or the design
decisions he's advocating with respect to argparse.  (Steven appears to
be awol.)


PS: with respect to Victor's script wish, one of the reasons I'm suggesting
paul.j3 is that very few of his patches have been committed, and they
should be.
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