Le 10/03/2017 à 23:13, Brett Cannon a écrit :
> I can't believe it's been 4 weeks. It feels like it was ages/yesterday
> when we moved. :)
> First, I hope people are not regretting letting/having me make this
> migration. I know there have been some things to work through (and
> others still to come), but I hope this is all a net positive (either now
> or in the near future).
> Second, I wanted to get initial feedback on things we can easily tweak:
>   * Requiring Travis to pass (I *really* don't want to turn this off as
>     we already had a broken build when I temporarily turned it off at
>     someone's request when Travis was backed up from the AWS S3 outage;
>     I also don't plan to make AppVeyor required unless there's a way to
>     make it be skipped for doc-only changes)
>   * Cherry-picking working out? (We can go back to forward merging if
>     people really want to, but I think long-term cherry-picking will
>     allow for more automation)

Now that I'm trying it out, the effect of cherry-picking on Misc/NEWS is
catastrophic.  hg wasn't very friendly (producing obviously spurious
conflicts), but at least it was reasonably easy to correct the
situation.  git seems to leave Misc/NEWS in an extremely messy state.
For example, here is the merge diff I'm getting right now:

Good luck spotting devising how to fix Misc/NEWS after that (apart from
retrieving the previous version and adding the NEWS entry manually)...


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