On 5/2/2018 5:49 AM, Victor Stinner wrote:

You asked two different questions, hence two answers.

1. The title asks "Do I like the PEP 572 Assignment Expressions"?
Yes, at least +.5, and if forced, I might well round up to 1.

The poll is on the *current* PEP. I propose 4 choices:

2. However, the PEP itself also contains an only loosely related and inadequately discussed proposal to change comprehension scoping semantics (I presume before we are done with 2.7) and possibly break existing code without a deprecation period. I think all 3 aspects of this are wrong. Hence I am -1 on this part of the PEP and the PEP as a whole.

I think some, but not all, of other answers are influenced by which version of the question a person is answering.

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