I'd very much like the feature, but not sure that the proposed change
is a good fit today.


On 2 May 2018 at 22:13, Victor Stinner <vstin...@redhat.com> wrote:
> 2018-05-02 11:56 GMT+02:00 Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com>:
>> On 2 May 2018 at 10:49, Victor Stinner <vstin...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> I would like to start a poll on Chris Angelico's PEP 572 "Assignment
>>> Expressions", restricted to Python core developers, to prepare the
>>> talk at the Language Summit:
>> Do we really need this spilling over into yet another mailing list?
> I already saw polls on Twitter, but I don't know if I should trust
> Twitter polls because of the filter bubble. Moreover, this poll is
> restricted to core developers, so it's different.
> There will be a session about the PEP 572 next week at the Language
> Summit, but I'm afraid that the session may go in all directions since
> I didn't see any explicit agenda nor moderator yet:
>   https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2018-April/153250.html
> I would prefer to prepare the session to be more efficient. I also
> care of other topics discussed the Language Summit.
> The poll is also for the ones who will not be able to attend the
> Language Summit.
> By the way, the list of sessions is not available yet, Larry/Barry?
>   https://us.pycon.org/2018/events/language-summit/
> Victor
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