Le 21/09/2018 à 13:06, Christian Heimes a écrit :
> In my opinion it's both wrong and unfair to compare the ban with
> Anatoly's ban. For one we didn't have a process and general consent for
> bans.

AFAIK we still don't.  I don't know where such a procedure is written
out, and I don't remember my opinion being asked or considered on the
matter.  I certainly don't remember consenting to immediate permanent
bans as a response to use of culture-specific taboos (rather than actual
insults or racist discourse).

As it is, the current "process" is vague and privately decided.  That's
not an acceptable standard on a mature project.

 It took us a while to agree on the procedure. Also Anatoly wasn't
> flat out hostile and insulting. He was mentally draining and exhausting
> on a more subtle level.

Yeah... no, not so subtle.  You're painting things in a rosy colour
here.  He had been a problem for months or years.  It was obvious
something had to be done.  But apparently the "key people" were
reluctant to take a decision, even though there was frequent outrage at
Anatoly's contributions.  Now we're facing the inverse problem: the "key
people" feel like they have to take overhanded decisions extremely
quickly, as if it was going to make the atmosphere more peaceful (which,
by construction, it won't).

> Participation on these mailing lists is a
> privilege, not a right. We grant the privilege to everybody, but also
> reserve the right to remove the privilege.

"Privilege" is a weird way to describe volunteer labour.


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