On Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 3:35 PM, Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:
> And I have to argue against his use of the n-word* as being part of the
> reason -- he wasn't calling anybody that, he was using the word as an
> example of a taboo in one culture that is not in others.  Using that as part
> of the reason to ban him helps me understand the sentiment voiced at the
> sprints of the feeling that the CoC is a weapon waiting to shoot us down.

But using that word, even with quote marks around it, *is* a serious
taboo in American culture. And partly this is because "white person
who finds convoluted excuse to use the n-word" is such a cliche that
the affected folks have given up with arguing about it and just don't
want to hear it anywhere, in or out of quotes, with or without an
excuse attached. There's no reservoir of good-faith left to fall back

Now sure, that taboo is an American thing, and I wouldn't support
automatically banning someone who used it in genuine ignorance, was
repentant when they realized what they'd done, etc. Context absolutely
matters. But in context here it's clear that Jacco knew perfectly well
that he was violating a taboo, and I can't read his usage as anything
but an intentional provocation. Especially when combined with all the
other things in his email.


Nathaniel J. Smith -- https://vorpus.org
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