On Sat., 29 Sep. 2018, 11:19 am Barry Warsaw, <ba...@python.org> wrote:

> On Sep 28, 2018, at 17:45, Łukasz Langa <luk...@langa.pl> wrote:
> > Do you use NNTP? Like with IRC, you won't find the next generation of
> core developers on it. And no, there is no support for it in Discourse.
> >
> > We could probably figure something out with Gmane if there's interest.
> Yes, I use NNTP to read many of the Python mailing lists.  Gmane, even in
> its current state, is fantastic.
> I’m all for supporting the next generation of developers, but not
> necessarily at the expense of *decades* of established workflow for current
> developers.  Moving to Discourse breaks this and proliferates browser tab
> syndrome.  It’s an experiment worth conducting, but I do think it’s a bit
> cavalier to shut down python-committers without further discussion.

Especially on the eve of critical governance discussions that will heavily
impact the future of python-dev.

This is exactly the kind of arbitrary decision making by an insufficiently
representative group that led to us banning making any binding decisions at
language summits: their in-person nature means that they're inherently
exclusive environments that lead to requirements being overlooked and
decisions being made without involving most of the people affected.


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