> On Sep 29, 2018, at 6:03 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Pull technology rather than push. The fact that email is
> *delivered* to me is a critical benefit for certain types of
> interaction, and one that's far too easily dismissed by people who
> promote pull solutions. It's baffling to me that such a fundamental
> difference is routinely treated as "minor".

FWIW, Discourse can be configured to be push or pull based on a personal level. 
Not only on a personal level, but you can control at at the category (similar 
to different lists), tag, or individual topic level. I’ve responded to you on 
Discourse in more detail, but I find the level of control quite nice in a way 
that lets you choose push or pull based upon how much you care about a 
particular topic.
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