On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 13:08, Victor Stinner <vstin...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I just finished to write the PEP 8015: "Organization of the Python
> community". I had limited time to write it, so sorry if some parts
> still look "raw". Full content below. HTML version:
>    https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-8015/
> Right now, the HTML page still returns me a 404 error. In the
> meanwhile, you can read it at:
>    https://github.com/python/peps/blob/master/pep-8015.rst
> Summary with few quotes:
> """
> This PEP formalizes the current organization of the Python community and
> proposes 3 main changes:
> * Formalize the existing concept of "Python teams";
> * Give more autonomy to Python teams;
> * Replace the BDFL (Guido van Rossum) with a new "Python board" of 3
>   members which has limited roles, mostly decide how a PEP is approved
>   (or rejected or deferred).
> """
> "This PEP describes the organization of the whole Python community,
> from Python users to the Python board. Describing all groups and all
> roles in the same document helps to make the organization more
> consistent."
> "The number of changes is mininized to get a smooth transition from the
> old to the new organization."
> Thanks to all friends who helped me to late reviews ;-)
> Victor
> PEP: 8015
> Title: Organization of the Python community
> Author: Victor Stinner
> Status: Active
> Type: Informational
> Content-Type: text/x-rst
> Created: 2018-10-04
> Abstract
> ========
> This PEP formalizes the current organization of the Python community and
> proposes 3 main changes:
> * Formalize the existing concept of "Python teams";
> * Give more autonomy to Python teams;
> * Replace the BDFL (Guido van Rossum) with a new "Python board" of 3
>   members which has limited roles, mostly decide how a PEP is approved
>   (or rejected or deferred).
> Note: the "BDFL-delegate" role is renamed to "PEP delegate".
> Rationale
> =========
> This PEP describes the organization of the whole Python community, from
> Python users to the Python board. Describing all groups and all roles in
> the same document helps to make the organization more consistent.
> The number of changes is mininized to get a smooth transition from the
> old to the new organization.
> One key design of the organization is to avoid decision bottlenecks.
> Discussions and decisions are distributed into Python teams where
> experts in each topic can be found. The expectation is smoother
> discussions on PEPs: fewer people with better knowledge of the topic.
> Previously, almost all decisions have been taken by the Benevolent
> Dictator For Life (BDFL). The growing popularity of Python increased the
> pressure on a single person. The proposed organization distributes
> decisions and responsibilities to reduce the pressure and avoid wearing
> them down.
> To keep most of the decision power within the hands of the community,
> the Python board has very limited roles. The idea is to reduce the risk
> that a group of people or companies "takes over" the Python project
> through just a couple individuals. The project must remain autonomous
> and open to everybody.
> The most sensitives PEPs are decided by democracy: in that case, a PEP
> is only approved if the majority of core developer vote "+1" (see the
> `PEP process`_ section below for the vote details).
> Common Guidelines
> =================
> * The Python community is open to everyone.
> * Members must respect the `Python Community Code of Conduct
>   <https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/>`_ which ensures that
>   discussions remain constructive and that everybody feels welcomed.
> * Python is and will remain an autonomous project. It cannot be owned by
>   a company.
> * People with decisions power should reflect the diversity of its users
>   and contributors.
> Community Organization
> ======================
> Right now, there are different group of people involved in the Python
> project. The more involved you are, the most decisions power you get. It
> is important that the people acceding to the deepest group are the most
> trusted ones.
> This PEP formalizes the following groups:
> * Python Users
> * Python Contributors
> * Python Teams Members
> * Python Core Developers
> * Python Board Members
> * PSF Code of Conduct Workgroup
> Python Users
> ============
> This is the largest group: anyone who uses Python.
> Python Contributors
> ===================
> Once a Python user sends an email to a Python mailing list, comments the
> Python bug tracker, proposes or reviews a Python change, they becomes a
> Python contributor.
> Python Teams
> ============
> Python became too big to work as an unique team anymore, people
> naturally have grouped themself as teams to work more closely on

"themself" -> "themselves"

> specific topics, sometimes called "Special Interest Group" (SIG).
> Team members are Python contributors and Python core developers. The
> team is responsible to select who can join the team and how.

How is this bootstrapped? Do I get to declare myself the "import team" and
then I get to choose who joins after that?

> Team members can get the bug triage permission on the team bug tracker
> component. Working in a team is a nice way to learn more to maybe later
> become a core developer.
> A team might become allowed to decide on their own PEPs, but only the
> board can allow that (and the board has the power to revoke it as well).
> Such case is exceptional, currently a single team has such permission:
> the Packaging team.
> See `Annex: Examples of Python Teams`_.
> Python Core Developers
> ======================
> One restricted definition of a core developer is the ability to merge a
> change (anywhere in the code) and have the bug triage permission
> (on all bug tracker components).
> Core developers are developers who proved to have the required skills to
> decide if a change can be approved or must be rejected. Python has a
> long history, big constraints on backward compatibility, high quality
> standards (ex: changes require new tests). For these reasons, becoming
> a core can take several months.
> Becoming a core developer means more responbilities. For example, if a

" responbilities" -> "responsibilities"

> developer approves a change, they become indirectly responsible for
> regressions and for the maintenance of that modified code.
> Core developers are also expected to be exemplary when it comes to the
> Code of Conduct. They are encouraged to mentor contributors.
> Promote a contributor as core developer
> ---------------------------------------
> Once an existing core developer considers that a contributor is ready to
> join the core group, to become a core developer, that core developer
> asks the contributor if they would like to become a core developer. If
> the contributor is interested in such new responsibilities, a vote is
> organized.
> The vote is public and organized on the python-committers mailing list
> for 1 month. Usually the core developer who proposes the promotion has
> to describe the work and skills of the candidate in the email opening
> the vote.
> A contributor is only promoted if the number of +1 exceed the number of
> -1. Other votes (null, +0 and -0) are ignored.
> If the candidate is promoted, usually they get a mentor for 1 month to
> help them to handle new responsibilities. If the candidate is not
> promoted, a new vote can be organized later, when the candidate gets the
> missing skills, for example 6 months later.
> Python Board
> ============
> The Python board is made of the most trusted developers since it has the
> most decisions power. The roles of this group are strictly limited to
> ensure that Python keeps its autonomy and remains open.
> Board members are elected for 3 years, a third of it is refreshed every
> year. This way, a member will stay for one full Python release but the
> board composition will be updated frequently.
> Election of board members
> -------------------------
> The Python board is composed of 3 people. They are elected for three
> years, and each year a member is replaced. A board member can be
> candidate for the seat they is leaving. Candidates have 2 weeks to
> apply, and a vote is open for 1 month. The vote uses the `Condorcet
> method <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet_method>`_.  Votes are
> private during the vote, but become public when the vote completes.
> Board members must be Python core developers.  It is important that the
> members of the board reflect the diversity of Python' users and
> contributors. A small step to ensure that is to enforce that two members
> cannot work for the same company (or subsidiaries of the same company).
> In addition, to encourage more people to get involved, a core developer
> can only be a board member twice (up to 6 years total).

Is the two-term limit forever, or just consecutively?

> To bootstrap the process, 3 members will be elected at the board
> creation. The first members will stay for 1, 2 or 3 years (3 years for
> the candidate with most votes, 1 year for the candidate with least
> votes).
> If a board member steps down, a new vote is organized to replaced them.
> If the situation of a board member changes in a way that no longer
> satify the board constraint (eg: they move to the same company as
> another board members), they have to resign.
> Board roles
> -----------
> Board roles:
> * Decide how a PEP is approved (or rejected or deferred).
> * Grant or revoke permissions to a Python team. For example, allow
>   a team to give the bug triage permission (on the team component) to a
>   contributor.
> To decide how a PEP is approved (or rejected or deferred), there are two
> options:
> * The board elects a PEP delegate (previously known as "BDFL-delegate"):
>   a core developer who will take the final decision for the specific
>   PEP. The Python team of the PEP or the board select the PEP delegate.
> * If the board decides that the PEP is too risky (like language
>   changes), a vote is organized (see `PEP process`_ for details on the
>   vote). The board decides when the vote is opened.
> The board keeps the "vision" and consistency of Python. It also makes
> sure that important features reach completion. Their ability to pick PEP
> delegates is meant to help them to achieve that goal.
> Special Case: Board Members And PEPs
> ------------------------------------
> A board member cannot be a PEP delegate.
> A board member can offer a PEP, but cannot decide how their own PEP is
> approved.

So do the two other board members then make the decision? Or is there some
third person who will step in to make up the loss of a vote (e.g. the
release manager if they happen to not already be a board member)?

> PEP process
> ===========
> There are 2 main roles on PEPs:
> * PEP Authors
> * PEP Delegate
> PEP Authors do their best to write high quality PEP.
> The PEP delegate is responsible to help the authors to enhance their PEP
> and is the one taking the final decision (accept, reject or defer the
> PEP). They can also help to guide the discussion.
> If no decision is taken, the authors can propose again the PEP later
> (ex: one year later), if possible with new data to motive the change. A
> PEP Delegate can also choose to mark a PEP as "Deferred" to not reject
> the PEP and encourage to reopen the discussion later.
> PEPs specific to a Python team are discussed on the team mailing list.
> PEPs impacting all Python developers (like language changes) must be
> discussed on the python-dev mailing list.
> Vote on a PEP
> -------------
> When the board decides that a PEP needs a wider approval, a vote will be
> open for 1 month to all core developers. Such vote will happen on the
> mailing list where the PEP has been discussed. The PEP must have been
> discussed for a reasonable amount of time before it is put to vote.
> A PEP is only approved if the number of +1 exceed the number of -1.
> Other votes (null, +0 and -0) are ignored.
> Lack of decision
> ================
> If a discussion fails to reach a consensus, if the board fail to choose
> a PEP delegate for a PEP, if a PEP delegate fails to take a decision,
> the obvious risk is that Python fails to evolve.
> That's fine. Sometimes, doing nothing is the wisest choice.
> PSF Code of Conduct Workgroup
> =============================
> The workgroup's purpose is to foster a diverse and inclusive Python
> community by enforcing the PSF code of conduct, along with providing
> guidance and recommendations to the Python community on codes of
> conduct, that supports the PSF mission of “ongoing development of
> Python-related technology and educational resources”.
> We work toward this common goal in three ways:
> * Review, revise, and advise on policies relating to the PSF code of
>   conducts and other communities that the PSF supports. This includes
>   any #python chat community & python.org email list under PSF
>   jurisdiction.
> * Create a standard set of codes of conduct and supporting documents for
>   multiple channels of interaction such as, but not limited to,
>   conferences, mailing lists, slack/IRC, code repositories, and more.
> * Develop training materials and other processes to support Python
>   community organizers in implementing and enforcing the code of
>   conduct.
> The organization of this workgroup is defined by the
> `ConductWG Charter <https://wiki.python.org/psf/ConductWG/Charter>`_.

Is this here to mean the expectation that the conduct WG will manage CoC
issues for the core development team?


> Annex: Examples of Python Teams
> ===============================
> Below are examples of some Python teams (the list will not be kept up to
> date in this PEP).
> Packaging team
> --------------
> The packaging team runs its own PEP category and can approve (or reject)
> their own PEPs.
> * Website: `packaging.python.org <https://packaging.python.org/>`_
> * Mailing list: `distutils-sig
>   <https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/distutils-sig.python.org/>`_
> * Bug tracker component: ``Distutils``
> * Example of members: Paul Moore, Nick Coghlan, Donald Stuff
> * Stdlib module: ``distutils``
> * Current PEP delegate: Paul Moore
> IDLE team
> ---------
> IDLE is a special case in the Python standard library: it's a whole
> application, not just a module. For this reason, it has been decided
> that the code will be the same in all Python stable branches (whereas
> the stdlib diverges in newer stable branches).
> * Bug tracker component: ``IDLE``
> * Example of members: Terry Reedy, Cheryl Sabella, Serhiy Storchaka
> * Stdlib module: ``idlelib``
> Mentorship team
> ---------------
> Becoming a core developer is long and slow process. Mentorship an an
> efficient way to train contributors as future core developers and build
> a trust relationship.
> * Websites:
>   * https://www.python.org/dev/core-mentorship/
>   * https://devguide.python.org/
> * Repository: https://github.com/python/devguide
> * Mailing list: `core-mentorship
>   <https://www.python.org/dev/core-mentorship/>`_ (private archives)
> * Example of members: Guido van Rossum, Carol Willing, Victor Stinner
> Note: The group is not responsible to promote core developers.
> Documentation team
> ------------------
> * Mailing list: `doc-sig
>   <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/doc-sig>`_
> * Bug tracker component: ``Documentation``
> * GitHub tag: ``type-doc``
> The team also manages documentation translations.
> See also the Mentorship team which maintains the "Devguide".
> Security team
> -------------
> * Website: https://www.python.org/news/security/
> * Mailing lists:
>   * ``secur...@python.org`` (to report vulnerabilities)
>   * `security-sig
>     <https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/security-sig.python.org/
> >`_
>     (public list)
> * Stdlib modules: ``hashlib``, ``secrets`` and ``ssl``
> * Example of members: Christian Heimes, Benjamin Peterson
> The ``secur...@python.org`` mailing list is invite-only: only members of
> the "Python Security Response Team" (PSRT) can read emails and reply;
> whereas security-sig is public.
> Note: This team rarely proposed PEPs.
> Performance team
> ----------------
> * Website: https://speed.python.org/
> * Mailing list: `speed
>   <https://mail.python.org/mm3/mailman3/lists/speed.python.org/>`_
> * Repositories:
>   * https://github.com/python/performance
>   * https://github.com/tobami/codespeed
> * Bug tracker type: ``Performance``
> * GitHub label: ``type-performance``
> * Stdlib module: ``cProfile``, ``profile``, ``pstats`` and ``timeit``
> * Example of members: Victor Stinner, INADA Naoki, Serhiy Storchaka
> Usually PEPs involving performance impact everybody and so are discussed
> on the python-dev mailing list, rather than the speed mailing list.
> Asynchronous programming team
> -----------------------------
> * Website: https://docs.python.org/dev/library/asyncio.html
> * Mailing list: `async-sig
>   <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/async-sig>`_
> * Bug tracker component: ``asyncio``
> * GitHub label: ``expert-asyncio``
> * Stdlib modules: ``asyncio`` and ``contextvars``
> * Example of members: Andrew Sveltov, Yury Selivanov
> PEP only modifying ``asyncio`` and ``contextvars`` can be discussed on
> the async-sig mailing list, whereas changes impacting the Python
> language must be discussed on python-dev.
> _______________________________________________
> python-committers mailing list
> python-committers@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-committers
> Code of Conduct: https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
python-committers mailing list
Code of Conduct: https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/

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