[Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdo...@gmail.com>]
> It would have been nice to know beforehand if the results of the poll
> were going to change the PEP.

Don't look at me ;-)  Like I said, "I'm not in charge of anything",
and I had no input in changing PEP 8001 beyond contributing to the
message thread, same as everyone else.  I viewed the poll as being
informational, to get a sense of how people felt about the issues.
Apparently someone actually in charge of the PEP thought consensus was
"clear enough", presumably in part because of the poll results, but
also presumably because of the quite extensive following discussion
(of which the poll results can fairly be said to be representative).

> I didn't participate because I didn't feel like the poll had a fair
> process like the PEP's themselves.

Which you've already said in the discuss.python.org thread.  So,
mentally, when I viewed the poll, I added one vote to IRV for you.  I
don't know whether Brett did too, but IRV was trailing too much for it
to make a material difference.

As above, I expect it was really the discussion that drove the
decision, of which the poll results were but a summary.  But October
is over, so Brett can speak for himself now ;-)
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