[Victor Stinner]

> By the way, I'm also surprised to see that on 11 "+1" votes, only 3
> added a comment. I'm not sure of the "value" of "+1" without a
> comment. Does the voter know Stéphane and/or saw his work. How did the
> voter make their decision? In the past, these comments helped me to
> vote when I wasn't sure about a candidate. For example, if someone
> showed a strong support, and I trust the voter, I follow their vote
> (well, taking a decision is more complex than that in practice, but I
> hope that you see my point).

I voted +1.  I haven't had significant interaction with Stéphane but
certainly recognized the name and had a favorable impression.  But of my
own knowledge, I have no strong opinion either way.  So my +1 was driven
primarily by the strong endorsement you gave.

Was that worth writing up?  Not to me ;-)  It's probably unrealistic to
imagine than _anyone_ in the future will be well known to a majority of
then-current core devs.  I only want to hear from those who _do_ have a
strong opinion based on significant experience.

So I'm disappointed that I've seen nothing from those who voted -1.   In
the absence of an explicit message, I can assume a +1 voter is happy enough
with what the original proposer said.  But in the absence of any -1 voter
explaining their reasoning, I have no idea what to make of it.
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