On Wed, 21 Apr 2021 at 12:24, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
> Isn't that an educational problem ? Adjusting reporting of
> warnings isn't all that hard:
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/warnings.html#the-warnings-filter
> Perhaps it's just a usability issue. We could have venvs help
> us a bit with this by e.g. making such settings "global" per
> venv, without the user having to configure PYTHONWARNINGS
> or writing a sitecustomize.py for this purpose.

Maybe. In my own personal experience, I hit this sort of thing when
using tools. Consider for example black - if that triggered a warning,
I'd report it, but then what would I do? Edit my copy of black
(possibly in multiple environments) to suppress the warning? Block the
warning globally which means I then don't see it for other projects
and hence don't report it to them? Work out the precise incantation to
suppress it just for black?

In practice, I just moan a lot about the warning, and vote to suppress
warnings by default next time the question comes up :-)

So yes, maybe it's an education/usability issue, but if so it's one
that's hard to fix. If we can work out a way for users (who may well
have limited programming knowledge) to just "push a button" to say "I
reported that issue to black, now stop bothering me about it for this
version of black (at least on this PC)"  then that would be great. But
at the moment I don't believe it's that simple.

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