> - Subscriptions may expire for lack of activity, but resubscribing is

This does not mean we *need* to expel people due to inactivity.  Lurking is
one method of learning.  Manually, I would not bother to try and remove
inactive subscribers until an actual problem arises.

If we do want to do this, it should be a fully automated process that
happens on a scheduled basis with a scheduled idea of who is auto
unsubscribed.  something like a quarterly process that removes people who
are not on python-committers who have not posted in over 12 months.  or any
similar definition of dates.  well defined automation removes any feeling
of targeting or arbitrary moderator whim.

my 2 cents,

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 9:48 AM Ethan Furman <et...@stoneleaf.us> wrote:

> Accidentally trimmed footnote with link to list info page, so reproducing
> the page itself here:
>  > Summary
>  >
>  > Python Core Development Mentorship
>  >
>  > The Python Core Development Mentorship list is intended to provide a
> welcoming introductory
>  > environment for developers interested in contributing to core Python
> development.
>  >
>  > The list is moderated and private; this means:
>  >
>  > - Only subscribers may post messages without moderator approval.
>  > - Only messages relating to core development are allowed.
>  > - Messages with the primary purpose of promoting commercial offerings
> will not be tolerated. [0]
>  > - Messages containing any type of tracking technology will not be
> tolerated. [1]
>  > - Subscriptions may expire for lack of activity, but resubscribing is
> welcomed.
>  >
>  > Subscribing also means receiving messages sent only to the list, rather
> than relying on being
>  > included in the CC list for replies.
>  >
>  > In addition to this list, written guidelines for contributing can be
> found in the Developer's
>  > Guide for CPython: https://devguide.python.org .
>  >
>  > A major goal of this group is to help new contributors feel more
> confident about participating
>  > in the results-focused public environments of the bug tracker,
> python-dev, and python-ideas.
>  >
>  > The following code of conduct is not meant as a means for punishment,
> action, or censorship for
>  > the mailing list or project. Instead, it is meant to set the tone,
> expectations, and comfort
>  > level for mentors and those wishing to be mentored on the list.
>  >
>  > - We ask everyone to be welcoming, friendly, and patient.
>  > - Flame wars and insults are unacceptable in any fashion, by any party.
>  > - Anything can be asked, and "RTFM" is not an acceptable answer.
>  > - Neither is "it's in the archives, go read them".
>  > - List archives are available only to subscribers, but subscription is
> open to everyone.
>  > - Since the archives are closed cross posting to public mailing lists
> is discouraged.
>  > - Statements made by core developers can be quoted outside of the list.
>  > - Statements made by others can not be quoted outside the list without
> explicit permission. [2]
>  > - We endorse the PSF's Diversity statement.
>  > - All participants are expected to follow the PSF Code of Conduct:
> https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
>  > - The list administrators reserve the right to revoke the subscription
> of members (including mentors) that
>  >   persistently fail to abide by this Code of Conduct.
>  >
>  > [0] This is a grey area: Mentioning a commercial offering by a
> regularly active member as part of a
>  >     relevant response to a question is fine; so is a genuine question
> including mention of a commercial product
>  >
>  > [1] Use of tracking is grounds for immediate revocation of list
> membership.
>  >
>  > [2] Anonymised, paraphrased statements or questions are okay; direct
> quotes with or without names are not.
> _______________________________________________
> python-committers mailing list -- python-committers@python.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to python-committers-le...@python.org
> https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/python-committers.python.org/
> Message archived at
> https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-committers@python.org/message/KRJKHEHPGFFOCRJQ66PVXOAAA53EZYAP/
> Code of Conduct: https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/
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