Nick wrote:
Jim Gallacher wrote:

Just so I'm *really* clear, do you mean the current scheme for session handling would also be disabled?

The more I think about it, you're right; you can just set up the session stuff without directives just the same by importing mod_python.Session and going from there. So that line of reasoning has no merit.

I was confused by the adding of a new directive, which seems to indicate that there would be some "default" Session handler being loaded if you didn't specify one using the directive.

In the new scheme, a session is created when the user calls req.get_session(). The parameters used for creating this session are specified in the apache config file. Contrast this with the current mechanism where a new session is created when the user calls Session.Session(), and the parameters are for the session must be passed in the session initalization.


New way:
sess = req.get_session()
Old way:
sess = Session.FileSession(req,timeout=100,

With the new way, the first call to req.get_session() returns a new session instance (loads one from the persistent store). Subsequent calls within the same request will return the *same* instance. Users no longer need to worry about session lock management, and our deadlock issues disappear. Using sessions will be much more transparent. Sticking the session parameters in the apache configuration keeps the get_session() call simple, and easily accomodates future changes to the underlying session code.

Because in the old scheme there wasn't really any "default" session handling, unless you outright imported the libary and started using it. If it's going to work exactly the same way as it did before, except now you can configure some defaults in the apache config, then I'm probably worried over nothing. But it probably should have an option for "None" or "disabled," which would be the default, meaning I don't care to use the supplied session handlers, even though it didn't really do anything extra than it does now.

Indeed, as long as you don't call req.get_session(), there will be no session created. You may be thinking that every request automatically creates a session object. This is emphatically not the case. This would be a performance killer.

But in that case, why not use "PythonOption session_<config_var> <value>", which is probably what you were asking about in the first place, which I think someone else mentioned as well. That doesn't imply that there is some kind of default session handling, just the standard way of passing values from the apache config to python code.

I hope that the PythonSessionOption just makes it really obvious that this directive is for session configuration. And certainly the lack of a "PythonSessionOption session some_session_class" line in the apache config tells the admin that there is no default session. The question then becomes, if the above directive is missing should req.get_session() still return some platform dependent session (just as Session.Session() currently does), or should it raise an exception?

If the plan is to implement a pure C session handler,

No immediate plans, but I have thought of it. I've actually been doing some benchmarking on a SQL backend as well. This is of course completely off topic.

then PythonSessionOption makes sense, but otherwise it doesn't seem necessary.

My motivation for creating the new PythonSessionOption directive rather than using the PythonOption is as follows:

1. Avoid breaking exisiting code. It's impossible to predict how people may be currently using PythonOption. I feel it's better to leave current configurations untouched to completely avoid possible keyword collisions. This is the *big* one for me.

2. Avoid breaking exisiting code, in case anyone missed point 1. :)

3. Easier to document and explain. Or maybe I'm actually making things more confusing?

Maybe I need to write some docs with a tutorial before checking in the code so people have a better idea what the heck I'm doing? I'm not trying to force this directive on anyone - just trying to make session handling better and it seems like a nice complement to the new request.get_session() method.


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