I've split the release instructions from Doc/Makefile into Doc/release-instructions.txt.

The instructions have been modifed for svn and checked into mod_python/trunk. Please review and comment as you see fit.


A copy is include here for your convienience.


Release Instructions


The following instructions are appropriate for version 3.2.0.
Adjust accordingly for a different version.

The current version/date is in src/include/version.h



1. Create the new branch for the release in svn repository.
svn copy --username USER --password PASS $REPOS/trunk $REPOS/tags/release-3-2-0

2. Checkout a working copy of the new branch.
   cd /tmp
   svn co $REPOS/tags/release-3-2-0 mod_python

3. Generate the html docs.
   cd mod_python
./configure --with-apxs=`which apxs` --with-python-src=/path/to/python/src
   cd Doc
   make dist

4. Export a working copy to a release copy.
   cd /tmp
   svn export mod_python mod_python-3.2.0

5. Copy the html docs generated in step 3 from your working copy to
   your release copy.
   cp -r mod_python/doc-html/ mod_python-3.2.0/

6. Create a tarball for the release.
   tar czvf mod_python-3.2.0.tgz mod_python-3.2.0

7. Generate the pdf file for the website
   cd mod_python/Doc
   make pdf

8. Send Doc/modpython.pdf to the mod_python.org website admin.


To sign: gpg -a -b mod_python-3.2.0.win32-py2.3.exe

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