Note that this has been pushed to the mod_python developers list. It is
suggested that if you are interested in following this discussion that
you subscribe to that list instead. Anyone replying to this email please
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Sorry, it is long email. I was probably deluded in thinking I could
defer discussions on implementation, but then I guess it isn't strictly
as it is still more at the level of how it could work. You might want to
digest the email for some time before replying. :-)

On 09/07/2005, at 12:49 AM, Jorey Bump wrote:

dharana wrote:

Oh, ok. I feel better now. But I think I should comment that then, for me, the new mechanism won't make a difference in the "apachectl restart" routine. I will continue to do restart apache if the new mechanism doesn't supports packages. I've abstracted a lot of things in my custom handler/webapp so the only thing I'm changing nowadays are inside packages (99% of the time).

Same here. My published modules typically have only a few functions in them, and they are usually interfaces to code from package imports. The reload mechanism would have to support packages to avoid being another pandora's box.

I'll try and expand on some of the issues about Python packages and why
it becomes so complicated and provide direction on how it all can work.
I know it can work as I already have an implementation similar to what
is described. :-)

The import_module() currently allows you to import the top level of a Python package, or a sub module/package within a Python package. Its current support for importing a sub module/package at the moment is broken in various ways,
as I documented in my article.

You probably would not notice these issues if your use of Python packages is simplistic, ie., merely to have a bunch of modules kept within a specific namespace for convenience. For example, an empty in the top level directory and a series of file based modules contained within that directory. Also, the fact that modules are currently reloaded on top of the existing
instance does lesson the possibility of problems.

Once a Python package starts to get more complicated and you have
internal dependencies between different parts of the package itself, you
will more easily start to encounter problems. This is because dependency
cycles can develop between the different parts of the Python package. The
consequence of this is that even if only one part of the Python package
changes, the only sane thing to do is to reload the complete package. As
such, at the moment the only reliable way to reload a Python package
properly is to restart Apache.

If an updated import_module() function attempted to try and support automatic
reloading of packages properly, it would have to take a similar approach
whereby where if even a single part of the Python package is changed, it would
have to ensure that the whole Python package was reloaded.

I haven't quite worked out whether this is even totally possible yet. Even to get to the point where I have has exceedingly complicated the design of
the module importing system.

The reasons for the extra complexity, is that in order to support different named modules/packages in different directories, you cannot store modules
in sys.modules as they are keyed based on the module/package name.

The problem now is that due to how Python internally supports the "import"
statement internal to a Python package, whereby it will first look for a
module within in the package itself, requires that the component modules
of the Python package be stored in sys.modules. I don't know why, but it
doesn't work if it isn't.

Thus you have a contradiction. The parts of a Python package must be
present in sys.modules for imports internal to the Python package to
work, but to put it in sys.modules runs up against the goal of being
able to use the same name for a module/package in different directories.

To achieve both goals entails still storing the Python package parts
in sys.modules, but they aren't internally assigned its true name.
Instead they are given a unique name derived from the path name of
the file containing the code for that component. Ie., __name__ within
the module and the key used to store it in sys.modules use this magic
generated name.

Problem now is that when an import hook is asked to find the sub part
of a Python package, rather than use the true name of the package in
the dotted path, eg., "a.b", it will sometimes use the magic name for
the parent parts of the path, eg., "magic_name.b". Therefore you have to
do some translation of the magic names back and forth.

This all gets even worse when one looks at the issue of modules reloading on top of the existing instance, which can cause loss of access to resources without them being closed off properly and other problems in a multithreaded
MPM. To get around the issues, you keep around the old instance of a
module/package while importing it again into a separate object space.
For packages where it has to be in sys.modules, it means that magic name
therefore has to incorporate an instance count such that the name
changes for each revision of the package.

I don't expect most to understand all this, I just hope you believe me
when I say that trying to provide support for reloading of Python packages
is hard. My worry is that the addition of all this extra complexity will
make the code fragile as it may unknowingly include too many dependencies
on subtle nuances of how the Python module import system works. Thus,
it may work fine now (if it can be made to work in the first place),
but the next major version of Python may break it and we may not always
be able to work out how to tweak it to work with a newer version of Python.

What does this all mean?

First is that I really don't see it as practical that import_module()
be able to support Python packages, whether that means importing from
the root of the package or a sub part of the package, as part of a
scheme to handle automatic module reloading. To do so adds too much
complexity, with the code being much more fragile as a result.

I will point out now that this would not affect the ability to specify
a Python package or sub part of a package in a handler directive such
as PythonHandler. This is because the dispatch callback for a handler
is more complicated than it being just a call to import_module(). As
such, within the dispatch callback, it can do some checks to ascertain
how it should import a module.

For example, if the module specified by the directive is located in
the directory the handler pertains to, it would use import_module(),
specifying the exact directory the module should be loaded from.

As a fallback, it would then use the standard Python module import
mechanism to otherwise import the module. This would cause sys.path
to be consulted and the handler could be a Python package as a result.
No automatic module reloading would be available for a handler module
found along sys.path in this way.

Because the dispatch callback would explicitly check the directory for
which the directive is defined to find the module and tell the
import_module() explicitly this directory, there would not actually
be a need for that directory to be put in sys.path. This means there
would be no overlap of directories for which import_module() is being
used and those in sys.path. The "import" statement within a handler
in the directory would be made to work without use of sys.path using
import hooks and other means so that it transparently flows through
and uses import_module() instead.

For those cases where someone does not want to put a handler in the
directory the directive applies to, but still make use of automatic
module reloading, there could be an alternate path definition. For
example PythonImportModulePath. This path would be searched for the
file based module and if found, import_module() used to explicitly
load it from that directory.

Thus, for a handler directive, steps would be:

1. Look in directory directive is defined for and if handler module
is there, load it using import_module(). It can only be a file based
module. The name of the module doesn't have to be unique.

2. Look in directories defined by PythonImportModulePath and if found
there, load it using import_module(). It again can only be a file based
module. The name of the module doesn't have to be unique (but should it).

3. If still not found, use inbuilt Python __import__ mechanism to try
and find handler module. In this case, could be a file based module or
package, but it must be on sys.path. The PythonPath setting can still
be used to extend sys.path as to alternate places to look. The name of
the module/package must be unique within the set of all modules and
packages available by searching sys.path.

Next issue is how import_module() would work when called explicitly
within a handler.

Up till now if no path has been supplied to import_module() it would
search sys.path. This I believe needs to change.

Instead of searching sys.path, it should instead search
PythonImportModulePath. The reason for this is that it retains the
clear separation between directories where the standard Python
builtin import mechanism is used and those where import_module()
is used. Doing this avoids the problems caused by a module being
imported from different places using the different mechanisms.

The trick here is how does import_module() get access to the value
of PythonImportModulePath as it is generally only accessible via the
req object and a user may not have that available to supply to the
import_module() method. There is a similar problem here with how the
log and autoreload options have to be passed to import_module().

The solution here is that mod_python itself, which already holds the
req object when it calls the handler, should provide a means to
access the current request object from code where it doesn't otherwise
have it. This could be as _apache.current_request(). In general it
would be the intention that this only be used for Python code within
mod_python itself, like import_module(), but it may also be useful
to implementors of other handlers extending on mod_python.

With this function, import_module() can internally derive the value
of PythonImportModulePath as well as PythonDebug and PythonAutoReload.
Knowing the latter makes the log and autoreload options redundant and
addresses other issues I raised in my article.

As to when a path is explicitly supplied to import_module(), this
would still behave the same way, with that path being searched for
the module.

Note though that when import_module() is used, it would only look
for file based modules. It would not pick up Python packages even
if located in the directories where it was told to look.

Because this would break backward compatibility, what one might
instead do then, is provide a new apache.import_file() function.
This function would strictly enforce only being able to load file
based modules. The import_module() method then could implement the

1. If no explicit search path provided, set the search path to the
value of PythonImportModulePath.

2. Look in directories defined by search path and if found
there, load it using import_file(). It can only be a file based
module. The name of the module doesn't have to be unique.

3. If still not found, use inbuilt Python __import__ mechanism to try
and find handler module. In this case, could be a file based module or
package, but it must be on sys.path. The PythonPath setting can still
be used to extend sys.path as to alternate places to look. The name of
the module/package must be unique within the set of all modules and
packages available by searching sys.path.  No automatic reloading
would apply to modules/packages found this way.

The import_file() function would though have to raise some unique
exception type so that the import_module() knows that the module could
not be found and thus move on to trying __import__ instead.

If import_module() is implemented like this, then the existing code
to find the handler probably wouldn't need to be changed and neither
would any user code. Whereas before any modules found on sys.path
using import_module() would have automatic module reloading applied
to them, this would no longer occur and thus user would need to
shift any additional search directories added using PythonPath
into PythonImportModulePath instead. That way module reloading would
work on them. Because of the multiple levels of functions, a name
other than PythonImportModulePath may be more appropriate.

Next is what happens when the "import" statement is used within
a handler. At the moment it will allow importing of modules from
directories specified by handler directive and sys.path.

In this case, import hooks as per PEP 302 would be used to customise
how the "import" statement works. It would work similar to the steps
above except that the search path would be the combination of the
directory in which the importers code is located, the handler root
directory and the value of PythonImportModulePath. If it isn't in
those locations it would fall through to using standard import from
sys.path. Obviously if found on sys.path, no automatic module reloading
and because Python packages aren't supported by import_module(), they
have to be on sys.path.

Note that this would always add a search of local directory where
the Python code is located first. This is different to now for the
case of a subdirectory, but I really feel that this makes more sense
when you consider that for the nearest parallel, ie., that of packages,
it will always find a module in the same directory first. I know this
isn't a true Python package, but that modules can be spread over
a directory hierarchy when dispatchers such as mod_python.publisher
are used yet there is still only one handler root, makes it similar
in some ways.

It also must be noted that "import" would only try and use the mod_python
module importing system if the module in which it was used was itself
loaded using the mod_python module importing system in the first place.
Thus, the use of "import" in a module/package anywhere along sys.path
would not be impacted and would not start using the mod_python module
importing system.

As a final summary:

1. Existing code wouldn't need to be changed if two levels of
import_module()/import_file() are implemented as described. Ie.,
where import_module() gives appearance of providing same features
as before.

2. Python packages would have to be on sys.path though. This
would only be an issue though for where someone had put the Python
package in the handler root directory, rather than elsewhere and
hadn't extended the PythonPath setting explicitly.

3. Python packages would not be candidates for automatic module

4. Simple file based modules outside of the handler directories
which were previously identified by setting PythonPath would not
be candidates for automatic module reloading unless those
directories are moved from PythonPath to PythonImportModulePath.

5. The import statement would now transparently make use of the
mod_python module importing system in modules to import file based
modules not on sys.path as appropriate. These modules would be
candidates for automatic module reloading. This bit of magic would
only occur for modules imported using the mod_python module importing
system in the first place.

Hmmm, rambled on more than I should have there. Gotta rush out for
a dinner date now. :-)


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