Uh oh, no it doesn't goes away. Check this (custom handler):

------ controller.py ---------------
import os
from time import time
from mod_python import apache
from mod_python import Session

def handler(req):
    start_time = time()
    req.sess = Session.FileSession(req)
    req.content_type = 'text/html'
    end_time = time()
    totaltime = (end_time - start_time)*1000
    req.write('%.0f ms' % ((totaltime)))
    return apache.OK

This takes 75ms on a 1Ghz with 1Gb RAM server. After some page refreshes the memory load is over 70Mb. Is this right? (I'm asking for both the load time and memory usage)

dharana wrote:
Please, ignore my previous email. The massive leak was being caused by FileSession. I was using an earlier snapshot and after upgrading to:


Everything went back normal. After checking everything works go upgrade production. Load problem solved. I feel much better now, python handles the heavy complexity I imposed to him with no problems.

How much is left for 3.2? I can't use an stable mp release right now because I need several things included in 3.2 (segfaults for psp, filesession, etc) and using svn HEAD in a prod server is scary.

dharana wrote:

look at this screenshot:


It shows two screenshots of the same page of my webapp. The lower one was shoot just after an apachectl start. The second one was shot after 6 consecutive refreshes where memory usage increased every time by a lot of Mbs.

I use a lot of custom modules, from db calls to xslt transformations (with libxml). But in the page shown in the screenshot it does little. The strange thing is that after a few more page refreshes the memory load goes back to 23Mb and then increases again.

I use some light module-level caching (I cache the 3 queries executed in the lower page). But I don't think this is causing the heavy memory usage because after it goes back to 23Mb it does query again (ie: the caching mechanism still has it's cache).

I use apache prefork and Maxrequestperchild 0. After every page refresh the unr obj var shown on the page doesn't changes. It's either 63 or 0.

mem, resident and stack come from this script:


unr obj is just the output of gc.collect() after everything else is done (the debug print is printed just before return apache.OK.

What I am asking is for some help or pointers in how to track down who is causing this or where to look for reducing the memory usage.



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