2005/9/8, Jorey Bump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jim Gallacher wrote:
> > Nicolas Lehuen wrote:
> >
> >> Well, why not keep our plan of releasing 3.2 ASAP and save this
> >> problem for a later 3.2.x as a bug fix ?
> >> Making subsequent bug-fix releases should be fast and easy. We cannot
> >> afford to repeat the long hiatus between 3.1.3 and 3.2, with a long
> >> period of time without any official bug fix.
> >>
> >> I agree that 3.3 may come later, but we definitely should be able to
> >> release 3.2 bugfixes version as often as possible. This will save us
> >> and our users a lot of time, allowing us to stop writing "yeah, we
> >> know this bug, it's already fixed in SVN but you'll have to wait an
> >> undefinite time for the fix to go public".
> >
> >
> > +1
> >
> > It's always tempting to make one last change, fix one more bug, but then
> > the release never happens. I think everyone has the will to move
> > mod_python forward, we just need a little more discipline. There are
> > lots of things we can do in 3.3, but I for one am not motivated to work
> > on these until 3.2 is out. Lets get this puppy out the door and then
> > have a discussion on plans and priorities for 3.3 with a view to
> > reducing the time between bug fixes and major releases.
> Would it help to adopt a naming convention where odd minor versions are
> for development, and even minor versions are stable/bug-fix-only? This
> would be a convenient time to adopt it. In some environments, this gives
> developers a place to add new features (3.3.x) while the first stable
> release (3.2.0) is getting bug squashed. As a user, it makes things a
> lot clearer that a certain version is still in development when you lust
> after a new feature it offers.
> Just a thought...

Yeah, why not.

In any case, we should maintain a separate 3.2 branch with only bug
fixes while developing the 3.3 version on the trunk (and merge the
bugfixes from the 3.2 version into the 3.3 trunk, of course).

We haven't done this for the 3.1 and 3.2 version, so everybody will
need to upgrade to 3.2 even if they want a single bugfix. This is not
a really bad thing this time, but next time, if we start to "fool
around" and break some compatibility (think "new import system" here
:), we should make sure we don't force our users to upgrade just to
get one bugfix.


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