Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:

On Tue, 29 Nov 2005, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Daniel J. Popowich wrote:

Here, here!!  I've wanted parsed_uri to work as expected for quite
some time...I'm actually in a position where I could devote some time
to tracking this down.  If apache doesn't provide it, I think
mod_python should at least fill it in, right?


I don't know what the specific issue is with parsed_uri, if this is a mod_python bug it should just be fixed BUT if this is an issue with httpd, I don't think we should cover the problem up by having mod_python "fix" it. Since we are part of the HTTP Server project, we should just fix it in httpd.

Either way, it should be fixed.

In case anyone is not familiar with the issue, a request for currently gives a tuple that looks something like this:

(None, None, None, None, None, None, '/tests/mptest', 'view=form', None)

which is not what we expect. This is what the mod_python docs have to say:

Tuple. The URI broken down into pieces. (scheme, hostinfo, user, password, hostname, port, path, query, fragment). The apache module defines a set of URI_* constants that should be used to access elements of this tuple. Example:

fname = req.parsed_uri[apache.URI_PATH]



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