2005/12/9, Nicolas Lehuen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Uh oh looks like I'm the one to blame here. As mentioned on MODPYTHON-15, Graham and I had a little discussion about the potential for infinite generators, and that's all. My bad is to have unilateraly decided to check in the change though it has not been approved by anyone else. I should have look for approval before checkin this in. Sorry.

As you can see from the source code above, reverting to the previous behaviour is quite simple, we only have to comment out the elif hasattr(object,'__iter__'): block.

I quite agree now that mod_python 3.2 should be a big bugfix release, instead of a release with a lot of new bells and whistles. Let's comment this thing out and see if we bring it back later.

Again, sorry for the mess...


Note that we also need to remove the corresponding unit test.


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