This sounds like a good idea, but it's probably better to push this off to 3.3 just to veer on the side of caution.

My $0.02


On Tue, 20 Dec 2005, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

Anyone know if there are any technical reasons why input/output filters
as they exist at the moment, applying only to body content and not
headers, can not be specified in a .htaccess files?

Specifically, the SetInputFilter, SetOutputFilter, AddInputFilter and
AddOutputFilter directives of Apache can be specified in either main
server configuration or .htaccess files, yet the PythonInputFilter and
PythonOutputFilter directives are only allowed to be specified in the
main server configuration.

This is because mod_python.c contains:

"PythonInputFilter", directive_PythonInputFilter, NULL, RSRC_CONF|ACCESS_CONF,
       "Python input filter."),
"PythonOutputFilter", directive_PythonOutputFilter, NULL, RSRC_CONF|ACCESS_CONF,
       "Python output filter."),

If however I change it to:

       "PythonInputFilter", directive_PythonInputFilter, NULL, OR_ALL,
       "Python input filter."),
       "PythonOutputFilter", directive_PythonOutputFilter, NULL, OR_ALL,
       "Python output filter."),

it is then possible to use the mod_python directives in a .htaccess file.

Running the code this way appears to work for both input and output filters
when specified in the .htaccess file without problems.

So, does anyone know why this might be a bad idea? I can't really think of
any reasons why it shouldn't be okay. If there is some confirmation that
it all sounds reasonable, I'll create a JIRA issue for it to be a future


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