On Wed, 21 Dec 2005, Graham Dumpleton wrote:

    /* register the filter NOTE - this only works so long as the
       directive is only allowed in the main config. For .htaccess we
       would have to make sure not to duplicate this */

Having input/output filters be able to be specified in .htaccess
must have been considered, but there must have been some issue
with it that prevented it being done at the time.

Hmmm, looks like it will not be able to be done after all. This is
because registration of a filter by name is done at server scope.
Thus, if done from a .htaccess file in one directory, it will then
be visible in other scopes. The continual registration of the
filter each time a request hits that directory will also cause a
growing use of memory from the server pool (I think). Pity.

This may be something you could clarify on the httpd-devel or apr-devel lists, may be we're missing something in how it was intended to work.


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