On 2005 Jan 13, at 16:08, Phillip J. Eby wrote:

this with their string/file/path discussions -- *nobody* is safe from implicit adaptation if adaptation actually creates new objects with independent state! An adapter's state needs to be kept with the original object, or not at all, and most of the time "not at all" is the correct answer.

So, no way to wrap a str with a StringIO to adapt to "IReadableFile"...? Ouch:-( That was one of my favourite trivial use cases...

Anyway -- I'm pointing out that what to put in a rewrite of PEP 246 as a result of all this is anything but obvious at this point, at least to me.

LOL. Me either!

...so let's hope Clark has clearer ideas, as it appears he does: as per a previous msg, I've asked him if he could be the one doing the next round of edits, instead of me...


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